Manchester Oxford Road

The idea for the “literary bridge” came to me as I was walking in Oxford Road in Manchester. I noticed that the road is very congested with people made up of a cosmopolitan mix of students from all over the world. The reason for this is the location’s proximity to two international universities (Manchester Metropolitan and Manchester University) and one of the biggest research hospitals in Europe. I also noticed that most people walking along are distracted with their mobile phones and tablets and that people are not interacting with each other at all. Continue reading “Manchester Oxford Road”

WEWORK Coworking place

My next task was to find a coworking place and to look more closely to the criteria of how do this kind of places operate. I decided to go to Soho in London, as it has been one of most entertainment and fashionable districts.

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We went to visit London for three days as part of a study trip . This was a very important trip for me as we have been to many interesting places, I had never been there before. Such as, various exhibitions, museums, cathedrals, artistic pubs, shops and places to eat and drink. Continue reading “LONDON TRIP”

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